Source code for dc_qiskit_qml.distance_based.hadamard.state._QmlBinaryDataStateCircuitBuilder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2018 Carsten Blank
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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.. currentmodule:: dc_qiskit_qml.distance_based.hadamard.state._QmlBinaryDataStateCircuitBuilder

.. autosummary::



.. autoclass:: QmlBinaryDataStateCircuitBuilder

import logging
from math import sqrt
from typing import List

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
from qiskit.converters import circuit_to_dag, dag_to_circuit
from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGNode
from qiskit.extensions.standard.h import h
from scipy import sparse

from . import QmlStateCircuitBuilder
from .cnot import CCXFactory

log = logging.getLogger('QubitEncodingClassifierStateCircuit')

[docs]class QmlBinaryDataStateCircuitBuilder(QmlStateCircuitBuilder): """ From binary training and testing data creates the quantum state vector and applies a quantum algorithm to create a circuit. """ def __init__(self, ccx_factory, do_optimizations = True): # type: (QmlBinaryDataStateCircuitBuilder, CCXFactory, bool) -> None """ Creates the uniform amplitude state circuit builder :param ccx_factory: The multiple-controlled X-gate factory to be used """ self.do_optimizations = do_optimizations self.ccx_factory = ccx_factory # type:CCXFactory
[docs] def build_circuit(self, circuit_name, X_train, y_train, X_input): # type: (QmlBinaryDataStateCircuitBuilder, str, List[sparse.dok_matrix], any, sparse.dok_matrix) -> QuantumCircuit """ Build a circuit that encodes the training (samples/labels) and input data sets into a quantum circuit. Sample data must be given as a binary (sparse) vector, i.e. each vector's entry must be either 0.0 or 1.0. It may also be given already normed to unit length instead of binary. :param circuit_name: The name of the quantum circuit :param X_train: The training data set :param y_train: the training class label data set :param X_input: the unclassified input data vector :return: The circuit containing the gates to encode the input data """ log.debug("Preparing state.") log.debug("Raw Input Vector: %s" % X_input) # map the training samples and test input to unit length def normalizer(x): # type: (sparse.dok_matrix) -> sparse.dok_matrix norm = sqrt(sum([abs(e)**2 for e in x.values()])) for k in x.keys(): x[k] = x[k]/norm return x X_train = [normalizer(x) for x in X_train] X_input = normalizer(X_input) # Calculate dimensions and qubit usage count_of_samples, sample_space_dimension = len(X_train), max([s.get_shape()[0] for s in X_train + [X_input]]) count_of_distinct_classes = len(set(y_train)) index_of_samples_qubits_needed = (count_of_samples - 1).bit_length() sample_space_dimensions_qubits_needed = (sample_space_dimension - 1).bit_length() ancilla_qubits_needed = 1 label_qubits_needed = (count_of_distinct_classes - 1).bit_length() if count_of_distinct_classes > 1 else 1"Qubit map: index=%d, ancillary=%d, feature=%d, label=%d", index_of_samples_qubits_needed, ancilla_qubits_needed, sample_space_dimensions_qubits_needed, label_qubits_needed) # Create Registers ancilla = QuantumRegister(ancilla_qubits_needed, "a") index = QuantumRegister(index_of_samples_qubits_needed, "i") data = QuantumRegister(sample_space_dimensions_qubits_needed, "f^S") qlabel = QuantumRegister(label_qubits_needed, "l^q") clabel = ClassicalRegister(label_qubits_needed, "l^c") branch = ClassicalRegister(1, "b") # Create the Circuit qc = QuantumCircuit(ancilla, index, data, qlabel, clabel, branch, name=circuit_name) # ====================== # Build the circuit now # ====================== # Superposition on ancilla & index h(qc, ancilla) h(qc, index) # Create multi-CNOTs # First on the sample, then the input and finally the label ancilla_and_index_regs = [ancilla[i] for i in range(ancilla.size)] + [index[i] for i in range(index.size)] for index_sample, (sample, label) in enumerate(zip(X_train, y_train)): cnot_type_sample = (index_sample << 1) + 0 cnot_type_input = (index_sample << 1) + 1 # The sample will be encoded for basis_vector_index, _ in sample.keys(): bit_string = "{:b}".format(basis_vector_index) for i, v in enumerate(reversed(bit_string)): if v == "1": self.ccx_factory.ccx(qc, cnot_type_sample, ancilla_and_index_regs, data[i]) # Label will be encoded bit_string = "{:b}".format(label) for i, v in enumerate(reversed(bit_string)): if v == "1": self.ccx_factory.ccx(qc, cnot_type_sample, ancilla_and_index_regs, qlabel[i]) # The input will be encoded for basis_vector_index, _ in X_input.keys(): bit_string = "{:b}".format(basis_vector_index) for i, v in enumerate(reversed(bit_string)): if v == "1": self.ccx_factory.ccx(qc, cnot_type_input, ancilla_and_index_regs, data[i]) # Label will be encoded bit_string = "{:b}".format(label) for i, v in enumerate(reversed(bit_string)): if v == "1": self.ccx_factory.ccx(qc, cnot_type_input, ancilla_and_index_regs, qlabel[i]) stop = False while not stop and self.do_optimizations: dag = circuit_to_dag(qc) dag.remove_all_ops_named("barrier") gates = dag.named_nodes("ccx", "cx", "x") # type: List[DAGNode] removable_nodes = [] for ccx_gate in gates: successor = list(dag.successors(ccx_gate)) # type: List[DAGNode] if len(successor) == 1: if successor[0].name == removable_nodes.append(successor[0]) removable_nodes.append(ccx_gate) print(end='') for n in removable_nodes: dag.remove_op_node(n) if len(removable_nodes) > 0: qc = dag_to_circuit(dag) else: stop = True return qc
[docs] def is_classifier_branch(self, branch_value): # type: (QmlBinaryDataStateCircuitBuilder, int) -> bool """ The branch of quantum state bearing the classification is defined to be 0. This functions checks this. :param branch_value: The measurement of the branch :return: True is the measured branch is 0, False if not """ return branch_value == 0