Source code for dc_qiskit_qml.distance_based.hadamard._QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2018 Carsten Blank
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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.. currentmodule:: dc_qiskit_qml.distance_based.hadamard._QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier

Implementing the Hadamard distance & majority based classifier (

.. autosummary::


More details:


.. autoclass:: QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier


.. autoclass:: AsyncPredictJob


import logging
import time
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Iterable, Sized

import numpy as np
import qiskit
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.measure import measure
from qiskit.providers import BaseBackend, BaseJob, JobStatus
from qiskit.qobj import Qobj
from qiskit.result import Result
from qiskit.result.models import ExperimentResult
from qiskit.transpiler import CouplingMap
from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin, TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator
from sklearn.neighbors.base import SupervisedIntegerMixin

from dc_qiskit_qml.QiskitOptions import QiskitOptions
from .state import QmlStateCircuitBuilder
from ...encoding_maps import EncodingMap

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier(BaseEstimator, SupervisedIntegerMixin, ClassifierMixin, TransformerMixin): """ The Hadamard distance & majority based classifier implementing sci-kit learn's mechanism of fit/predict """ def __init__(self, encoding_map, classifier_circuit_factory, backend, shots=1024, coupling_map=None, basis_gates=None, theta=None, options=None): # type: (EncodingMap, QmlStateCircuitBuilder, BaseBackend, int, CouplingMap, List[str], Optional[float], Optional[QiskitOptions]) -> None """ Create the classifier :param encoding_map: a classical feature map to apply to every training and testing sample before building the circuit :param classifier_circuit_factory: the circuit building factory class :param backend: the qiskit backend to do the compilation & computation on :param shots: *deprecated* use options. the amount of shots for the experiment :param coupling_map: *deprecated* use options. if given overrides the backend's coupling map, useful when using the simulator :param basis_gates: *deprecated* use options. if given overrides the backend's basis gates, useful for the simulator :param theta: an advanced feature that generalizes the "Hadamard" gate as a rotation with this angle :param options: the options for transpilation & executions with qiskit. """ self.encoding_map = encoding_map # type: EncodingMap self.basis_gates = basis_gates # type: List[str] self.shots = shots # type: int self.backend = backend # type: BaseBackend self.coupling_map = coupling_map # type: CouplingMap self._X = np.asarray([]) # type: np.ndarray self.last_predict_X = None self.last_predict_label = None self.last_predict_probability = [] # type: List[float] self._last_predict_circuits = [] # type: List[QuantumCircuit] self.last_predict_p_acc = [] # type: List[float] self.classifier_state_factory = classifier_circuit_factory # type: QmlStateCircuitBuilder self.theta = np.pi / 2 if theta is None else theta # type: float if options is not None: self.options = options # type: QiskitOptions else: self.options = QiskitOptions() self.options.basis_gates = basis_gates self.options.coupling_map = coupling_map self.options.shots = shots def transform(self, X, y='deprecated', copy=None): return X def _fit(self, X): # type: (QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier, Iterable) -> QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier """ Internal fit method just saves the train sample set :param X: array_like, training sample """ self._X = np.asarray(X) log.debug("Setting training data:") for x, y in zip(self._X, self._y): log.debug("%s: %s", x, y) return self def _create_circuits(self, unclassified_input): # type: (QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier, Iterable) -> None """ Creates the circuits to be executed on the quantum computer :param unclassified_input: array like, the input set """ self._last_predict_circuits = [] if self.classifier_state_factory is None: raise Exception("Classifier state factory is not set!") for index, x in enumerate(unclassified_input):"Creating state for input %d: %s.", index, x) circuit_name = 'qml_hadamard_index_%d' % index X_input = X_train = [ for s in self._X] qc = self.classifier_state_factory.build_circuit(circuit_name=circuit_name, X_train=X_train, y_train=self._y, X_input=X_input) # type: QuantumCircuit ancilla = [q for q in qc.qregs if == 'a'][0] qlabel = [q for q in qc.qregs if == 'l^q'][0] clabel = [q for q in qc.cregs if == 'l^c'][0] branch = [q for q in qc.cregs if == 'b'][0] # Classifier # Instead of a Hadamard gate we want this to be parametrized # use comments for now to toggle! # standard.h(qc, ancilla) # Must be minus, as the IBMQX gate is implemented this way! qc.ry(-self.theta, ancilla) qc.z(ancilla) # Make sure measurements aren't shifted around # This would have some consequences as no gates # are allowed after a measurement. qc.barrier() # The correct label is on ancilla branch |0>! measure(qc, ancilla[0], branch[0]) measure(qc, qlabel, clabel) self._last_predict_circuits.append(qc) def _read_result(self, test_size, result): # type: (QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier, int, Result) -> Optional[List[int]] """ The logic to read out the classification from the result :param test_size: the input set size :param result: the qiskit result object holding the results from the experiment execution :return: if there is a result, will return it as a list of class labels """ self.last_predict_label = [] self.last_predict_probability = [] for index in range(test_size): # Aggregate Counts experiment = None # type: ExperimentResult experiment_names = [ for experiment in result.results if experiment.header and 'qml_hadamard_index_%d' % index in] counts = {} # type: dict for name in experiment_names: c = result.get_counts(name) # type: dict for k, v in c.items(): if k not in counts: counts[k] = v else: counts[k] += v log.debug(counts) answer = [ {'label': int(k.split(' ')[-1], 2), 'branch': int(k.split(' ')[-2], 2), 'count': v} for k, v in counts.items() ] answer_branch = [e for e in answer if self.classifier_state_factory.is_classifier_branch(e['branch'])] if len(answer_branch) == 0: return None p_acc = sum([e['count'] for e in answer_branch]) / self.shots sum_of_all = sum([e['count'] for e in answer_branch]) predicted_answer = max(answer_branch, key=lambda e: e['count']) log.debug(predicted_answer) predict_label = predicted_answer['label'] probability = predicted_answer['count'] / sum_of_all self.last_predict_label.append(predict_label) self.last_predict_probability.append(probability) self.last_predict_p_acc.append(p_acc) return self.last_predict_label
[docs] def predict_qasm_only(self, X): # type: (QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier, Union[Sized, Iterable]) -> Qobj """ Instead of predicting straight away returns the Qobj, the command object for executing the experiment :param X: array like, unclassified input set :return: the compiled Qobj ready for execution! """ self.last_predict_X = X self.last_predict_label = [] self._last_predict_circuits = [] self.last_predict_probability = [] self.last_predict_p_acc = []"Creating circuits (#%d inputs)..." % len(X)) self._create_circuits(X)"Compiling circuits...") transpiled_qc = qiskit.transpile(self._last_predict_circuits, backend=self.backend, coupling_map=self.options.coupling_map, basis_gates=self.options.basis_gates, backend_properties=self.options.backend_properties, initial_layout=self.options.initial_layout, seed_transpiler=self.options.seed_transpiler, optimization_level=self.options.optimization_level, pass_manager=self.options.pass_manager, callback=self.options.pass_manager) # type: QuantumCircuit qobj = qiskit.assemble(transpiled_qc, backend=self.backend, shots=self.options.shots, qobj_id=self.options.qobj_id, qobj_header=self.options.qobj_header, memory=self.options.memory, max_credits=self.options.max_credits, seed_simulator=self.options.seed_simulator, default_qubit_los=self.options.default_qubit_los, default_meas_los=self.options.default_meas_los, schedule_los=self.options.schedule_los, meas_level=self.options.meas_level, meas_return=self.options.meas_return, memory_slots=self.options.memory_slots, memory_slot_size=self.options.memory_slot_size, rep_time=self.options.rep_time, parameter_binds=self.options.parameter_binds, **self.options.run_config ) return qobj
[docs] def predict(self, X, do_async=False): # type: (QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier, Union[Sized, Iterable], bool) -> Union[Optional[List[int]], 'AsyncPredictJob'] """ Predict the class labels of the unclassified input set! :param X: array like, the unclassified input set :param do_async: if True return a wrapped job, it is handy for reading out the prediction results from a real processor :return: depending on the input either the prediction on class labels or a wrapper object for an async task """ qobj = self.predict_qasm_only(X)"Executing circuits...") job = # type: BaseJob async_job = AsyncPredictJob(X, job, self) # type: AsyncPredictJob if do_async: return async_job job.result() while not job.status() == JobStatus.DONE: if job.status() == JobStatus.CANCELLED: break log.debug("Waiting for job...") time.sleep(10) if job.status() == JobStatus.DONE:"Circuits Executed!") return async_job.predict_result() else: log.error("Circuits not executed!") log.error(job.status) return None
[docs] def predict_async(self, X): # type: (QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier, any) -> 'AsyncPredictJob' """ Same as predict(self, X, do_aysnc=True) :param X: unclassified input set :return: Wrapper for a Job """ return self.predict(X, do_async=True)
[docs] def predict_sync(self, X): # type: (QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier, any) -> Optional[List[int]] """ Same as predict(self, X, do_aysnc=False) :param X: unclassified input set :return: List of class labels """ return self.predict(X, do_async=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def p_acc_theory(X_train, y_train, X_test): # type: (List[np.ndarray], Iterable, np.ndarray) -> float """ Computes the branch acceptance probability :param X_train: training set (list of numpy arrays shape (n,1) :param y_train: Class labels of training set :param X_test: Unclassified input vector (shape (n,1)) :return: branch acceptance probability P_acc """ M = len(X_train) p_acc = sum([np.linalg.norm(X_train[i] + X_test) ** 2 for i, e in enumerate(y_train)]) / (4 * M) return p_acc
[docs] @staticmethod def p_label_theory(X_train, y_train, X_test, label): # type: (List[np.ndarray], Iterable, np.ndarray, int) -> float """ Computes the label's probability :param X_train: training set :param y_train: Class labels of training set :param X_test: Unclassified input vector (shape: (n,1)) :param label: The label to test :return: probability of class label """ M = len(X_train) p_acc = QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier.p_acc_theory(X_train, y_train, X_test) p_label = sum([np.linalg.norm(X_train[i] + X_test) ** 2 for i, e in enumerate(y_train) if e == label]) / (4 * p_acc * M) return p_label
[docs]class AsyncPredictJob(object): """ Wrapper for a qiskit BaseJob and classification experiments """ def __init__(self, input, job, qml): # type: (AsyncPredictJob, Sized, BaseJob, QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier) -> None """ Constructs a new Wrapper :param input: the unclassified input data set :param job: the qiskit BaseJob running the experiment :param qml: the classifier """ self.input = input # type: Sized self.job = job # type: BaseJob self.qml = qml # type: QmlHadamardNeighborClassifier
[docs] def predict_result(self): # type: () -> Optional[List[int]] """ Returns the prediction result if it exists :return: a list of class labels or None """ if self.job.status() == JobStatus.DONE:"Circuits Executed!") return self.qml._read_result(len(self.input), self.job.result()) else: log.error("Circuits not executed!") log.error(self.job.status) return None